UPVC Door Repairs
Common Problems With uPVC Doors
Here at AJ Locksmiths upvc door lock repairs we have repaired and installed almost every type of uPVC locking system on today’s market, from single catch window locks to high security, multi-point deadbolt mechanisms, we deal with them all.
If your uPVC locks are giving cause for concern, phone us now. Don’t wait until your key has snapped in the lock, or you can’t gain entry to your home. Constant opening and closing eventually loosen screws, hinges and handles, allowing doors and windows to twist, and causing locks to drop out of alignment. For information regarding our services, please call us today 07729554332
uPVC doors main problems with your uPVC doors, will be the mechanism, which can be quite flimsy especially if you have heavy handed children using it daily, but you can also have handles that become limp or faulty, locks that break or keys that get stuck, and of course the hinges which we already mentioned. The mechanism inside your uPVC door over time can fail, making it impossible to lock your door again. If you’re having trouble with your door, then we can assist you 24 hours a day.
Services for uPVC Door Mechanism
Measuring Your Multipoint
The Distance from the front of the faceplate to the centre of the euro hole cut out.
The Distance from the centre of the spindle to the centre of the top part of the euro hole cut out.
C: Locking Point Distances
Measure the distance of each locking point the strip to the centre of the spindle. Measurement are taken to the middle of the locking point but allow 5-10mm for accuracy and depending on whether the locking points are fully engaged. If the gearbox is double spindle, measure to the centre of the top spindle.
Identify the Manufacturer
Check the faceplate and the gearbox on the lock for the manufacturer’s name or logo. There are hundreds of multipoint locks on the market. These are some of the more common gearboxes that are used.
uPVC Lock Specialists
Have you recently moved into a new home? Are you significantly concerned about the existing door and window locks? AJ Locksmiths can survey your current security situation, and upgrade your locks with quality and affordable solutions. Home and workplace security is a serious concern for everyone, and it’s important not to wait until you’ve become another burglary statistic. In addition if you have any reason to be concerned about your uPVC door and window locks please give us a call.
AJ Locksmiths are also fully equipped to supply keyed-alike lock cylinders. Where a single key will operate all your window locks, and another for all your door locks, perfect for those who are fed up with a handful of keys for each lock in your home. Also, if you are concerned about an elderly member of the family living alone, we can supply and fit key override cylinders which allow entry in emergency situations, even if a key has been left in the inside lock. Our prices are highly competitive and our response times are excellent. Furthermore if you would like to arrange for AJ Locksmiths to come and see you, please give us a call today 07729554332
Repairs, installs & replacements
Barrel and cylinder replacement with new keys
Multi-point barrel and cylinder replacement
Agents for Ultion, high security ‘Anti-snap’ locks
Commercial & domestic services
Installers of Master Key systems
Cylinder security upgrades
Matched single keyed cylinders
We’re specialists when it comes to completing repairs on door locks. Call us today for further information. Replacements If you’re looking to upgrade your locking systems, then our wide range of quality locks will be a perfect upgrade.We take a lot of pleasure from helping customers, whether that’s repairing locks or providing expert advice.
uPVC Window Repairs
At AJ Locksmiths Leicester, we have been fully trained to handle fixing all types of uPVC doors and windows. Hence if your conservatory, plastic windows are starting to cease up or not work properly, call AJ Locksmiths on 07729554332.
Often we find that uPVC windows suffer from age related break downs, such as seals in the joints failing. The hinges weakening and bending under constant use.
The good news is you don’t need to go out and buy a new set of doors or windows, as these problems can be easily repaired by our skilled locksmiths, which could save you thousands of pounds.
Whether it’s your double glazing that’s failing, or your conservatory, we can fix it for you for a great price. With a professional service that’ll have your uPVC windows working as good as new. Without changing the whole window units, but replacing and resealing the glass as well.
Repairing Your uPVC Window Locks
There are two main sources of uPVC window lock problems. They are the lock itself, or the internal mechanism that controls the opening of the window. This leads to not being able to open, close, or turn the key inside. We are highly skilled at finding and solving the fault in your lock, with experience in many different styles and brands of window locks
uPVC Window locks and lock mechanisms
When you have a faulty lock, if it is a snapped key, the door doesn’t function correctly, or there’s a snapped part of the mechanism, we can fix it.
Damaged uPVC window hinges – these hinges will often become warped or wear down with constant use, and so need fixing every once in a while.
uPVC security devices
Safety and security are important, and you can make your windows child safe with lock restrictors, or alternatively a useful uPVC window cable, all child safety features.
uPVC window handles – the handle might have weakened, or even fallen off, we can fix it.
Our Other Locksmith Services
We cover all aspects of locksmith work. Furthermore our locksmith services also includes emergency lock outs, lock changes and repairs, damage to upvc windows and door mechanisms. Security surveys are also available to ensure your home is safe and secure.
Hence if you require more information about all the above services. In addition you can call us on 07729554332. For more information about AJ Locksmith take a look at our home page or visit one of our other website.
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