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  • Tony Richardson

Why you can’t replace a locksmith with a Key Me

Key Me Kiosk
Key Me kiosk to print your keys!

Although a recent funding round has seen Key Me raise $15 million in capital to further their dream of printing personalised keys, it seems like a strange suggestion that this can somehow replace a locksmith on your doorstep.

The Key duplication kiosk is a fascinating idea, with the ability to save personalised keys in the cloud, and print them off at any kiosk at any time, allowing you to easily duplicate or replace keys fairly inexpensively.

2017 The Key Me Mobile Application

You can now scan your keys with the mobile app, making it even easier to copy your keys and get them reprinted at your local key me kiosk, quite convenient and definitely less expensive once the technology is available.

While it is billed as the way to avoid “amateur locksmiths”, such as those who don’t specialise in non-destructive entry (also known as cowboys!), which I agree with, a locksmiths job is so much broader than that, and thinking it could replace an entire industry is fairly naive.

What do you think of the Key Me concept?

Tony Richardson

Tony is an expert with over 20 years experience in the field. He provides services to a wide range of customers across Leicestershire, both residential and commercial.

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